Coporate English training Course:美國人評選最偉大的英劇TOP10【雙語學習】

教育進修 語言課程

瀏覽次數 : 76
更新日期 : 2017-01-04 17:30

Coporate English training Course今日課程:美國人評選最偉大的英劇TOP10 !雙語學習,可以讓企業員工成為真正的英語達人,再也不用為日常工作中面臨的英文難題所困擾!看企業英語培訓計劃是如何是如何進行的吧?在慶祝BBC美國發布新劇之際,他們請觀眾選出他們心目中歷來最好的英國電視劇。讓我們從第十名開始揭曉吧!

10. Upstairs Downstairs (1971-1975)《樓上樓下》(1971-1975)Dramas about class divisions are as British as windy moors, and the soapy goings-on at 165 Eaton Place, home to the wealthy Bellamys and their servants, captivated audiences worldwide in its initial run in the early ’70s.這部關於社會階層的電視劇刻畫了像吹牛的摩爾一家這樣的英國人,並講述了其圓滑的行事作風,這一家人住在伊頓廣場165號,而富有的貝拉米一家和他的僕人們也住在這個地方。 70年代早期,這部電視劇剛播出就迷住了世界各地的觀眾。

9. I, Claudius (1976)《我,克勞迪烏斯》(1976)The miniseries, charting the rise of a stammering Roman emperor, managed to be just as dishy and enjoyable with fewer funds. Most deserving of praise is the obscenely talented cast.這部電視連續劇記錄了一位說話結巴的羅馬君主的崛起,故事既吸引人又有趣,而且花費了很少的資金就拍攝完成了。最值得讚揚的就是非常有才的演員們了。

8. Sherlock (2010 – )《神探夏洛克》(2010-)Much of the British series' acclaim is owed to Steven Moffat's clever update of Holmes's tales from 19th century London to the Digital Age. But credit must be given to Benedict Cumberbatch, an actor of endless intellectual and comedic gifts, who has vigorously shaken the cobwebs off the legendary detective.大家對這部英劇的稱讚主要歸功於史蒂芬·莫法特,是他以獨創性的改編形式把福爾摩斯的故事從19世紀的倫敦帶到了數字化時代。但是,我們同樣要稱讚本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇,這位擁有無窮的知識和喜劇天賦的演員有力地擺脫了這位傳說中的偵探的束縛。

7. MI-5 (2002 – )《軍情五處》(2002-)In an early episode, a lead character gets offed in an absolutely gruesome fashion. No one is safe in this spy drama. This is true white-knuckle, so-suspenseful-it’s-nauseating drama.在這部劇早期的情節中,一位主角以一種非常可怕的方式被殺害了。在這部間諜劇中,沒有人是安全的,真心讓人神經緊張又焦慮,是一部令人憎惡的電視劇。

6. State of Play (2003)《政局密雲》(2003)This drama is about ambitious journalists investigating a political conspiracy. Bill Nighy is in his best role to date as shrewd news editor Cameron Foster.這部劇講述了野心勃勃的記者們調查政治陰謀的故事。比爾·奈伊在這部劇中扮演的精明的新聞編輯卡梅隆·福斯特是他迄今為止最好的角色。

5. Prime Suspect (1991 – 2006)《頭號疑犯》(1991-2006)A “less dark” version of the British crime thriller: Helen Mirren‘s DCI Jane Tennison doggedly struggled against obstacles both external (assorted killers, sexism on the force) and internal (her addictions).一部“不那麼黑暗的”英國犯罪驚悚片:海倫·米倫的中央情報總監簡·特尼森頑強地與外部(各種各樣的殺手、情報局裡的性別歧視)和內部(她的癖嗜)障礙作鬥爭。

4. Life On Mars (2006 – 2007)《火星生活》(2006-2007)The opening credits of Life On Mars set up the show’s whole concept. And the writers used the retro setting to explore racism and sexism in ’70s England.《火星生活》的開場就設定了這部劇的整體概念。作家用複古的設置來探索70年代英國的種族歧視和性別歧視。

3. Pride & Prejudice (1995)《傲慢與偏見》(1995)Considering the numerous adaptations of this Jane Austen classic, Fitzwilliam Darcy has been played by everyone from Laurence Olivier to Matthew Macfadyen, but it was Colin Firth, and his iconic self-baptism in that lake, that made legions of fans swoon.就簡·奧斯汀這部經典作品的各種改編版本而論,從勞倫斯·奧利弗到馬修·麥克菲迪恩,人人都扮演過菲茲威廉·達西,然而,是科林·弗思以及他在那片湖中標誌性的自我考驗使得眾多粉絲為這個角色而神魂顛倒。

2. North and South (2004)《南方與北方》(2004)A Southern minister’s daughter fights an attraction to a repressed Northern cotton mill owner whom she initially disdains. The miniseries transformed Richard Armitage from a little-known stage and screen actor into one of Britain’s leading heartthrobs.一位南方長官的女兒努力吸引一位被鎮壓的北方紡織廠主人,而最初的時候,她十分蔑視他。這部連續劇使理查德·阿米蒂奇從一個默默無聞的舞台劇兼電影演員成為英國最重要的萬人迷之一。

1. Doctor Who (1963 – )《神秘博士》(1963-)It's about an alien from the planet Gallifrey who jet-sets around time and space in a blue police box. Does that make it any less a drama than, say, Cracker? (BAFTA couldn't resist awarding the long-running sci-fi series its coveted “Best Drama” trophy back in 2006.)這部劇講述了來自格里弗雷行星的一名外星人憑藉一個藍色的警察崗亭在時間和空間中隨意穿梭的故事。這使得這部劇不如《解密高手》這類的電視劇嗎? (早在2006年,英國電影與電視藝術學院就忍不住為這部長篇科幻作品頒發令人垂涎的“最佳影片”獎。)雙語學英文,香港語言課程盡在Commupro!從零起步學英語,堅持學習是訣竅!那是否想看到更多雙語篇章?是否可以對英語的閱讀和讀寫能力更甚一籌?接著看下面吧! 更多課程:learn german hk, Cantonese course hong kong, Learn mandarin in hong kong 官網:

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