奧恩夏日營 ☀ 陪你過趣味暑假

教育進修 其他課程

瀏覽次數 : 69
更新日期 : 2017-05-31 10:28

link:http://www.mightyoaks.edu.hk/ 【 奧恩夏日營 ☀ 陪你過趣味暑假 】 暑假好快又到啦!唔想小朋友困喺屋企,奧恩陪你FUN FUN玩轉暑期,讓時間過得更有意義! 其實一個好嘅夏日營,可以令小朋友從玩樂的過程中投入學習,而且家長亦可以了解到孩子的喜好和興趣,有助孩子日後發展所長。同時,小朋友亦可以從遊戲中發揮想像空間,從而找到自我價值。 想知道夏日營適唔適合你嘅小朋友?請即點擊以下網址了解更多詳情﹕http://bit.ly/2rlvqDS How to choose a summer camp Staying in Hong Kong for the summer holidays and wondering how to entertain your child? Daily outings can be expensive and finding children for play dates can be hard to find in the summer months. A good way to keep your child entertained and educated is to enroll them in a summer camp program, but with so many choices on offer, how does one choose? Find out how here: http://bit.ly/2rlvqDS 地址﹕香港堅尼地城卑路乍街46A號隆基大樓1樓 Call 2806 8383 to register now!

聯絡人 : 奧恩國際幼兒園
電 話 : 28068383
