
教育進修 其他課程

瀏覽次數 : 59
更新日期 : 2017-06-09 09:34

link:http://www.mightyoaks.edu.hk/ 【 鬼畫符都變藝術家 】 老師們!有無試過比人笑畫畫似鬼畫符?快啲試下「AutoDraw」喇! Google推出以A.I.人工智能方式配對的軟件AutoDraw,只需繪畫出圖案或公仔,系統會透過人工智能將資料庫內的圖像進行配對,顯示你可能想要的圖案以供選擇,仲可以上色及配字。 AutoDraw無論用手機、平板或電腦登入都可以免費任玩,仲可以把這些圖像免費下載,等我哋下次同奧恩同學仔畫畫時試下先! Teachers! Do your kids make fun of your drawing? Have no fear, try Auto Draw! AutoDraw is a new web-based tool built by Google Creative Lab where you can draw anything which is then "corrected" to what the app thinks you're drawing! It works on your phone, computer, or tablet (and it’s free!). So the next time you want to draw with your kids, you can try this app! https://www.autodraw.com/ 地址﹕香港堅尼地城卑路乍街46A號隆基大樓1樓 Call 2806 8383 to register now!

聯絡人 : 奧恩國際幼兒園
電 話 : 2806 8383
