
教育進修 其他課程

瀏覽次數 : 68
更新日期 : 2017-06-15 10:23

link:http://www.mightyoaks.edu.hk/ 【 探索海底世界 】 為了讓奧恩同學仔更加了解神秘的海底世界,奧恩老師設計了一連串相關活動,教大家認識海底生物! 除了閱讀故事書、兒歌及舞蹈之外,老師更教大家制作「水母」同「海洋世界感官盒」,務求同學仔得到全面發展!個個小朋友都好專注,做得有板有眼,相信活動一定能夠滿足小朋友對海洋世界的好奇心! Our playgroup students enjoyed an underwater animals theme this month! We read interesting story books, sang and danced to different songs, made jellyfish out of recyclable materials, created an underwater sensory box with sand and blue-coloured rice and played interactive games on our smartboard! Every activity has a fruit of the spirit in mind because Mighty Oaks is "where lifelong learning meets with character building”. 地址﹕香港堅尼地城卑路乍街46A號隆基大樓1樓 Call 2806 8383 to register now!

聯絡人 : 奧恩國際幼兒園
電 話 : 0852-28068383
