
教育進修 其他課程

瀏覽次數 : 62
更新日期 : 2017-07-04 10:30

link:http://www.mightyoaks.edu.hk/ 【 奧恩小小建築師 】 奧恩老師在課堂上準備一系列不同的玩具,透過遊戲及活動教導,讓同學仔嘗試親手建造屬於自己的小小王國。透過不斷的創意構思,小朋友能夠發揮想像力及激發創意,成為一個小小建築師! 活動有助兒童進行小肌肉訓練,提升小朋友之間的合作性、思維組織、觀察力、創意邏輯及解決問題的技巧,更重要的是讓小朋友樂在其中,獲得隨之而來的成就感。 Look at our little architects! Our students love building towers with different materials they find in the classroom. Even decorating them with scarves! Some students used them to build towers and bridges, others enjoyed make believe, some used them in a more traditional way, trying to make patterns with them or sorting them by size, shape and color. After they were done, some crawled under their towers, some walked over and on top of the blocks. Our students are really creative! At Mighty Oaks, blocks are used not only for mathematical concepts and reasoning strategies, they are also used for creative purposes where children can use the blocks to develop, model, test, and articulate their ideas. 地址﹕香港堅尼地城卑路乍街46A號隆基大樓1樓 Call 2806 8383 to register now!

聯絡人 : 奧恩國際幼兒園
電 話 : 2806 8383
