
教育進修 其他課程

瀏覽次數 : 65
更新日期 : 2017-07-06 10:03

link:http://www.mightyoaks.edu.hk/ 【奧恩陪你開心過端午!】 端午節除咗了吃糉子,奧恩還準備了一系列的活動,讓幼兒們更了解節日的傳統習俗! 糉子品嘗活動中,不同形狀和口味的糉子,有助發展幼兒的五感及認知能力;幼兒們更有機會一嘗包糉子的樂趣,以老師準備的色紙和豆豆,發揮創意包出獨有的糉子! 划龍舟活動最受幼兒歡迎,幼兒們坐在「龍舟」上,拉著繩子鬥快抵達終點,他們需要互相打氣和合作,因此這個活動中能夠幫助幼兒們的小肌肉發展之餘,亦有助情意與群性發展。 We celebrated Dragon Boat Festival last month and our PN class engaged in many fun activities, including wrapping their toy glutinous rice dumplings and making their own dragon boats. The activity the kids enjoyed the most was the Dragon Boat Race! How did they do it? They pulled themselves along a string, sat on their "boats" and helped transport boxes across the classroom. Look at those smiles on the kids' faces! 地址﹕香港堅尼地城卑路乍街46A號隆基大樓1樓 Call 2806 8383 to register now!

聯絡人 :
電 話 : 2806 8383
