
家居生活 家務助理

瀏覽次數 : 78
更新日期 : 2018-08-14 12:21

MamaHelpers於2017年9月推出,是目前全球規模最大、增長速度最快的外籍家庭傭工網絡。 我們為全球僱主提供了最多、最有質素保證的外傭選擇。僱主、外傭、僱傭中介及外傭培訓學校可以在平台上互相連結,從而造就了一個各方都得益的外傭招聘生態圈。
在Appstore同埋Google Playstore下載並且註冊後,你便可以直接查看、連接和僱用傭工,從此之外,你便無了尋找傭工的苦惱!
Mamahelpers iOS/iphone: Mamahelpers Android phone:
如果您需要進一步的幫助,您可以加入我們的Facebook並且聯繫我們: 或Whatsapp我們+85297945849。我們將竭誠為您服務!

MamaHelpers is the largest and fastest-growing global network gathering foreign domestic helpers, employers and agencies. Within 7 months, MamaHelpers hits 200K registered foreign domestic helpers and connects with more than 50 agencies and training school worldwide. Thousands of families have reached their perfect foreign domestic helpers on our FREE database platform.
MamaHelpers aims at presenting a professional image for everyone involved, and opt for building up trust and transparency in this industry. At the same time, by using technology to support a one-stop solution, making the entire hiring process easy, hassle-free and efficient for employers. We are also providing better deals in hiring service to our users.
By using the one-stop hiring solution in MamaHelpers, employers can : -Access an extensive database of foreign domestic helpers -Take full control in filtering, screening and selecting information -Connect, message and schedule an appointment with your potential foreign domestic helpers -Submit employment documents directly through our app to save costs and time -Share and support discussion in our forums
Download: Mamahelpers iOS/iphone:
Mamahelpers Android phone:
Contact us on Facebook: or Whatsapp us at +85297945849. We are always happy to assist!
MamaHelpers innovates the way you hire!

聯絡人 : Joey
電 話 : 97945943
